Friday, September 4, 2015

Stonegableblog -DIY Laundry Soap

I was intrigued when I first heard of making your own laundry detergent.   My niece was a fan of it and helped me gather my first batch.  I was very pleased.  This is a good step  if you have someone in the house with a detergent sensitivity.

After you finish mixing the ingredients you will find an pleasant aroma.  It is nice but after going through the washer and dryer you no longer smell it as much as you have a light scent of freshness without a perfume overtone.

Click here to go to the site to get the full recipe.  My husband helped me put it together and he said rather than use trash bags to mix it together you can use a 3-5 gallon plastic paint bucket available at  Lowe's or Home Depot for about $3.00. They come with lids.  You might have a plastic laundry bucket you can recycle to use for storage but the link will have more suggestions.

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