Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lowe's Build and Grow

Lowe's is a national company that offers children the opportunity to work with tools, under adult supervision.  Twice a month these young builders come with their adult partners and build a quality toy from a kit provided free of charge from Lowe's.

The children are supplied with an apron, googles, and hammer.  They are allowed to keep the apron and googles but must return the hammer when they are ready to leave.

Upon completion of their product they can leave with their completed project, a certificate of completion and the experience of building something with their own two hands.

The name of this national  program is Lowe's Build and Grow. To register, go to .

We attended the Lowes in Everett, WA on Pacific Street. They are scheduled every two weeks. Check the site for the next time time to register and attend.

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